IBDF asks TRAI to lift pricing restrictions on broadcasters

The IBDF in its request to the TRAI, said that broadcasters should be allowed to set prices for their TV channels and distribution services and should be able to negotiate the terms and conditions of their interconnections based on market data and forces.

  • Storyboard18,
| October 23, 2023 , 10:10 am
Regional OTT content volumes exceeded Hindi language content in 2023 for the first time. (Representative Image: Bastian Riccardi via Unsplash)
Regional OTT content volumes exceeded Hindi language content in 2023 for the first time. (Representative Image: Bastian Riccardi via Unsplash)

The Indian Broadcasting and Digital Foundation (IBDF) asked that the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) re-regulate the broadcasting sector. The broadcasting sector is currently facing diminishing subscriber counts and tough competition from OTT platforms as well as DD Free Dish.

There are also monetary restrictions in place such as price caps, discount caps, ceilings and limitations for distributors and broadcasting platforms. Top broadcasters such as Disney Star, Sony Pictures Networks India, Viacom18 and Zee Entertainment has requested that an end be put to these restrictions.

The IBDF in its request to the TRAI, said that broadcasters should be allowed to set prices for their TV channels and distribution services and should be able to negotiate the terms and conditions of their interconnections based on market data and forces.

Broadcasters used to be able to negotiate deals and set their own prices before the TRAI introduced the New Tariff Order (NTO) in 2017. The NTO states that all broadcasters need to offer channels to all distribution platforms at the same price.

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