HUL’s Sanjiv Mehta shares a farewell note after his decade-long stint with the company

Sanjiv Mehta, chief executive officer & managing director, Hindustan Unilever Limited & president, Unilever South Asia signs off and hands over the baton to Rohit Jawa.

  • Storyboard18,
| June 28, 2023 , 11:44 am
Mehta expressed his profound appreciation for the unwavering dedication and the unputdownable spirit of the people of HUL and everyone who has been a part of his journey. (Image sourced from Moneycontrol)
Mehta expressed his profound appreciation for the unwavering dedication and the unputdownable spirit of the people of HUL and everyone who has been a part of his journey. (Image sourced from Moneycontrol)

Sanjiv Mehta, chief executive officer & managing director, Hindustan Unilever Limited & president, Unilever South Asia bid farewell after a decade-long journey with the company. Mehta’s tenure came to an end at the close of HUL’s 90th Annual General Meeting.

In a LinkedIn post he shared, “HUL is an emotion that has been a big part of me for the last ten years, a sentiment that my wife Mona Mehta and I will forever cherish. The memories we have made and the friendships we have forged will always have a special place in our hearts. “ and added, “ As I sign off, I take comfort in the fact that I’m leaving HUL, making it stronger than before and our impact on society and India much larger.”

Mehta wished the best to the new managing director & chief executive officer Rohit Jawa and wrote,”I will always be cheering for HUL and Rohit Jawa and his team from the sidelines as I watch the business grow to achieve more remarkable victories in the years to come.”

Mehta expressed his profound appreciation for the unwavering dedication and the unputdownable spirit of the people of HUL and everyone who has been a part of his journey.

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