Storyboard18 Insider: A startup founder dislikes social media; an agency under performance pressure; and more

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  • Storyboard18,
| July 17, 2023 , 9:47 am
Catch all the inside industry stories and hot gossip on Storyboard18. (Representative Image: Tony Liao via Unsplash)
Catch all the inside industry stories and hot gossip on Storyboard18. (Representative Image: Tony Liao via Unsplash)

No Doglapan 

While many startup founders are busy building personal brands through either podcasting, content creation or appearing on TV reality show, this co-founder of an online travel agency (OTA) prefers to stay out of the virtual world. His argument is one cannot have ‘money, power and fame’ all at the same time. He rather ditch fame for money and power. He also exemplifies how a co-founder of a fintech platform was ousted from the company  because the executive, who was also a Shark Tank judge, became too popular on social media so much so that it added to his troubles. While others build virtual clout, this founder rather enjoy riches built from his online business in the offline world. Many would say wise decision as fame often comes with a cost.

Money, Money, Money, very funny…

Clients are approaching a few hot creative shops with an open mind. An open mind about ideas and commercials. Insiders tell Storyboad18 an agency that’s shining through in the awards circle and another production house that’s ruling the viral campaign chats no longer have to worry about their commercials being approved. Their track record, talent, and distribution channels are enough for clients to on-board them. Even in this economic climate, it seems that clients don’t mind spending on ideas that work and get famous. So is that one less excuse for some mainline agencies? 

Performance Pressure

A top creative agency is putting all its senior management together to draw a concrete business plan for H2. This agency hasn’t been in the spotlight for a while now. Insiders tell us they are keeping a low profile to fix their business problems and not go on a PR overdrive like they used to. Looks like agencies are taking performance pressure seriously more than ever before.

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