As India prepares for the festival of colours, Haldiram’s has recently launched its latest Holi campaign alongside a range of festive treats. This year, in addition to its Thandai and Gujiyas, Haldiram’s is offering a dedicated range of Holi special products, that are ideal for gifting during this festive season.
Haldiram’s has released a commercial that captures the essence of the festival. The short film follows a young boy’s relentless pursuit of his fondness for a girl amidst the colourful chaos of Holi. Dodging playful relatives and neighbours, he shares Haldiram’s Thandai, Gujiya and snacks with everyone he encounters, saving the last one for his beloved. Ultimately, he gets smeared by colour for season’s first by the girl. The film concludes with the tagline “Khulke Khilao Holi,” inviting everyone to immerse themselves fully in the joy of Holi.”
Kailash Agarwal, President – Retail & QSR, Haldiram’s, expressed, “Holi, the festival of colours, holds a special place in the hearts of millions of Indians. It’s a time for joy, laughter, and togetherness. At Haldiram’s, we aim to enhance these celebrations by offering a wide range of delicious Gujia, Thandai and snacks that bring people closer. The new digital video is a testament to the experience that we as Haldiram’s induce within Indians as we celebrate the festival of colours to the fullest.”
Divya Batra, Head of Marketing, Haldiram’s, focused on the significance of Holi in Indian culture, saying, “Holi is more than just a festival; it’s a celebration of love, friendship, and the triumph of good over evil. Through our Holi campaign and specially curated products, we aim to create unforgettable moments and sweet memories for our customers.”