Congress takes swing at BJP with new ad; Political ad battle continues

The party has released snackable bits of content on social media, that point out the alleged failures of the ruling party.

  • Storyboard18,
| April 3, 2024 , 2:53 pm
The ad also includes posters of P&G’s Tide with PM Narendra Modi’s image on them.
The ad also includes posters of P&G’s Tide with PM Narendra Modi’s image on them.

Ad battles continue. Political rivalries are extremely entertaining when parties are firing at all cylinders, launching parodies, spoofs and advertisements.

BJP recently took at swing at the I.N.D.I.A bloc. The Indian national Congress too joined the game.

The party has released snackable bits of content on social media, that point out the alleged failures of the ruling party.

The first bite is an ad where the INC is seeing hosting a press conference, showcasing the effective use of laundry detergent.

The ad also includes posters of P&G’s Tide with PM Narendra Modi’s image on them.

We see a Congress spokesperson making his colleague put a white t-shirt with words like ‘fraud’ and ‘extortion’ inside a washing machine. The machine is titled ‘BJP Washing Machine’. Once the t-shirt is washed, it comes out if the machine donning the works ‘BJP Modi Wash’.

Another scene in the video showcases, a poster similar to that of the brand Tide, with the PM’s picture on it with the tagline ‘Modi Washing Powder’.

Read More: EXCLUSIVE: BJP partners with meme marketing agencies in 2024 election strategy

The ‘Dulha Kaun Hai’ ad film was released by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) last month. Although the identity of the ‘Dulha’ remains a mystery, insider sources suggest that the ad was crafted by an agency known as Varahe Analytics. The video features comical lookalikes of opposition leaders and mocks I.N.D.I.A Alliance’s ‘infighting’.

Varahe Analytics, the agency that made the film, describes itself as a political consultancy firm engaged with a national party.

“Working with a national party in the domains of electoral campaign management, governance feedback and advisory, and policy formulation and analysis. We provide our clients with actionable advice and provide assistance with regards to execution which converts data-backed insights and in-depth ground intelligence into holistic and workable strategies,” it reads on the company’s website.

Mudslinging in politics is not a new strategy but thanks to agencies like Varahe, the new BJP campaigns have a high entertainment quotient attached to it.

Read More: EXCLUSIVE: Varahe Analytics, the agency behind BJP’s ‘Dulha Kaun Hai’ viral film

For instance, in the ‘Dulha Kaun Hai’ ad film, the script, the cast, the tone and the subtle humour attached to it highlights the maturity and sophistication with which parties are handling their campaigns. Opposition bashing is not the only agenda here. BJP has been focussed on reaching out to the GenZ and first time voters. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s social media presence, his interaction with content creators and influencers are all a step in that direction.

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