Mast & Meh: Byju’s, Google, Tanishq, True Elements, PGI India

Find out who made the cut and who got cut in Storyboard18’s weekly picks of the best and boring ads.

  • Storyboard18
| November 25, 2022 , 6:12 pm
Google's new ad campaign cleverly guides its viewers into thinking that it's marketing a new line of packaged potato chips. Is it? Read on to find out more!
Google's new ad campaign cleverly guides its viewers into thinking that it's marketing a new line of packaged potato chips. Is it? Read on to find out more!

Advertisements have always been a great way for brands to market their products and services. However, it has always been a hit or miss situation. Not all brands come up with great advertisements. Some have positive lasting impacts and some we would just love to forget. Storyboard18’s weekly ad reviews filter through the past weeks ads, letting you know which ones were the best and which ones weren’t quite up to mark. We provide you with completely unbiased and unfiltered opinions that are fun to read and paint a clear picture. Read on to find out which ads were in our professional opinions, MAST and which were MEH in this week’s Mast & Meh.


Brand – True Elements

Agency – TBWA India

This is a snappy ad campaign. It’s crisp and makes for a sharp sales pitch. There is some use of ASMR in the film which seems to be the new shiny toy for food brands these days. Honestly, we don’t mind it. It gives the film some flavour and zing. The 10-seconder is built on the premise of honesty and is clearly showcased in the way the brand is positioning and promoting its products. A lot of creativity for such a short time duration. We’re all for it. Unarguably, a Mast addition to our list.


Brand – Bajaj Geysers

Agency – McCann Worldgroup India

Watched it once, incomprehensible. Watched it twice, still very incomprehensible. The first time around, half way through we thought this was a commercial for a popular malt drink brand. Leave us a comment if you thought so too. When we re-watched it for the second time, we realised that this ad is very interchangeable. From cement to pipes to beverages, any brand could simply add their logo and make it theirs. This ad really lacks direction. Moreover, it is boring and preachy for no reason. Definitely not worth spending time on. That’s why, this ad scores a ‘meh’ in our books.


Brand – Byju’s

Agency – In-house 

Every choice that we make and ambition that we undertake is with the hope that it would someday, manifest into reality. Keeping that in mind, what a spectacular ad film from Byju’s this is. Visually and culturally rich, the commercial offers glimpses of Kerala’s Chenda Melam (a cylindrical percussion instrument) and Karnataka’s Bhootha Aradhane (a ritualistic folk dance). What is really captivating about this film is its message to not give up on hopes and dreams and to never put a stop to learning. Moreover, this film instills hope that someday, India will create history with football too like it has with cricket. A spectacular concept, beautiful presented by Byju’s. We urge everyone to give this one a watch.


Brand – Macho Sporto Thermals

Campaign – Kaise Kategi Sardi

“What did the ad want to convey?” “What is the hidden meaning behind the ‘Ab kat jayegi’ statement?” This one really left us scratching our heads. Initially, hopes were high as the ad opened up with Sheeba Chaddha, who never fails to impress viewers with her comic timing. But, the spark of the commercial starts to dim as it progresses. This ad was just plain boring. Celebrity power is no longer the only asset for a brand to promote its product. A tighter script and an interesting storyline could have served as a lifeboat. As it stands, this one is a total Meh.


Brand – Platinum Guild International (PGI) – India

Agency – 22Feet Tribal Worldwide

This new campaign truly shows what companionship means in today’s world. Platinum Guild International (PGI) – India presents two real life scenarios where male protagonists, subtly crushing stereotypes and societal norms, show up for their partners with a sense of equivalence. In the first TV ad, a young man is seen allaying his partners fears because of the age gap between them. The other spot shows another young man all set to welcome his mother-in-law to live with them. Progressive and open in their narrative, these ads set the benchmark high for new age relationships. A thumbs up for this one!


Brand – Tanishq

Agency – Talented

This subtle yet beautiful campaign from Tanishq brilliantly captures what real meaningful partnerships looks like. The film opens with a soon-to-be married couple heading towards the girl’s house. Visibly concerned about her parents’ health, she talks about how her parents will manage on their own once she shifts to live with the in-laws after the wedding. In the following frames, the man surprises her by buying an apartment right below her parent’s place and then proposing to her. The film breaks the stereotype that only women have to adjust and leave everything behind post marriage. This one deserves an applause for its theme. 


Brand – Google

Agency – Talented

‘Aloo confused’ after watching this ad? We surely were. Is it an ad for a packet of potato chips? Moreover, why is Google promoting potato chips? It’s not. In the most innovative way, Google personified a packet of potato chips as a smartphone. The packet of chips did some pretty un-chips like things. What a unique ad! Google wanted to promote its new G2 chip used in the new Pixel. The music used too, played to our emotions aptly. Supremely misguiding but superbly executed advertisement. What a concept! Hats off to the agency, Talented and Google for this one.

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