Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday made history by presenting her sixth consecutive budget, matching the record set by former Prime Minister Morarji Desai, just ahead of the Parliamentary elections. Find out what the leaders at Maruti Suzuki and upGrad had to say.
Shashank Srivastava, executive director, Maruti Suzuki said, “Being an Interim budget no large changes were anticipated. The Government has done well to maintain continuity of the earlier growth supporting measures. The increased Capital expenditure including that on Infrastructure (both Physical & Digital ), Tourism , Railways while retaining the Fiscal deficit targets will consolidate the outlier performance of the Indian economy. Support for building an ecosystem for innovation and R&D is very progressive .
The commitment to Green energy is also good from a sustainability point of view . The Auto industry has a high correlation with the overall growth and therefore this continuity of growth led policies is obviously very welcome.”
Mayank Kumar, Co-founder & MD upGrad said, “Honourable FM’s comprehensive strategy focuses on education and skill enhancement, with Skill India achieving remarkable milestones. Increased women’s participation in STEM fields contributes to India’s goal of becoming a talent superpower. We’re entering an era where inclusivity and educational empowerment support digital, health, and green developments. Wider opportunities, innovations, and enhanced GOI support in 2024 empower our tech-savvy youth. Initiatives like Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 showcase GOI’s dedication to nutrition and early childhood development. In a nutshell, this budget sets a positive tone for realizing the nation’s potential and reaching new heights with ‘Viksit Bharat’.”