InMobi announces global sustainability commitment with Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

In addition to annual participation in Givsly’s Season Without Swag, a campaign to replace material gifts with nonprofit donations during the holiday season, InMobi will share the stage with Givsly at Cannes Lions 2023 to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and the path that can be taken for a sustainable ad tech stack.

  • Storyboard18,
| June 22, 2023 , 2:35 pm
The Ministry has achieved 100% target in disposing Public Grievances, Public Grievance Appeals, and has disposed 21 MP references, 2 PMO references and 7 Parliamentary Assurances. (Representational image by Markus Spiske via Unsplash)
The Ministry has achieved 100% target in disposing Public Grievances, Public Grievance Appeals, and has disposed 21 MP references, 2 PMO references and 7 Parliamentary Assurances. (Representational image by Markus Spiske via Unsplash)

InMobi, today announced its global sustainability commitment with Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), an organization that drives climate action in the private sector by enabling companies to set science-based emissions reduction targets in line with the Paris Agreement. More than 4,000 businesses around the world partner with SBTi to reach net-zero carbon emissions and help curb global warming.

InMobi’s official commitment to ‘Near Term’ and ‘Net-Zero’ categories on SBTi’s target dashboard initiates a 24-month goal validation process, at the end of which InMobi will commit to ambitious Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions reduction targets in line with SBTi sector guidelines and the GHG Protocol standards.

“InMobi’s science-based targets commitment is a pivotal step in our journey for decarbonization and a net-zero climate goal. In the coming year, we will execute a clear strategy to maximize energy efficiency and minimize waste in our operations,” says Rishi Bedi, managing director, Asia Pacific at InMobi. ” We look forward to working with our partners in the programmatic advertising space to create a more sustainable ecosystem, one impression at a time.”

InMobi continues its partnership for the second year with Givsly, the purpose driven B2B marketing solution. In addition to annual participation in Givsly’s Season Without Swag, a campaign to replace material gifts with nonprofit donations during the holiday season, InMobi will share the stage with Givsly at Cannes Lions 2023 to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and the path that can be taken for a sustainable ad tech stack.

InMobi is also a founding member of AdTechCares, a 501 (c)(3) organization that leverages ad tech to combat misinformation and keep humanity well. Most recently, InMobi was the primary audience partner in its campaign with AdTechCares and Project Drawdown, a nonprofit organization working to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. The global campaign encourages climate action through powerful messaging that targets individual and systemic changemakers.

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