Do not give platform to persons charged with serious crimes including terrorism: MIB advises television channels

In the advisory, television channels were advised not to provide a platform for individuals with backgrounds involving serious crimes, terrorism, or affiliation with proscribed organizations.

  • Storyboard18,
| September 21, 2023 , 9:11 pm
In a letter that was released on February 13, the IBDF highlighted that it would make a detailed representation to the parliamentary committee which was headed by Prataprao Jadhav, member of parliament, Shiv Sena. (Representative Image: Erik Mclean via Unsplash)
In a letter that was released on February 13, the IBDF highlighted that it would make a detailed representation to the parliamentary committee which was headed by Prataprao Jadhav, member of parliament, Shiv Sena. (Representative Image: Erik Mclean via Unsplash)

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) issued an advisory for all private satellite TV channels highlighting Section 20 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995, which empowers the Central Government to regulate or prohibit the transmission of TV channels or programs in the public interest.

The advisory comes in response to a recent case where an individual from a foreign country, linked to a proscribed organization and facing serious criminal charges, was featured on a television channel for discussions. The individual’s remarks during the discussion raised concerns about their potential impact on the country’s sovereignty, security, friendly foreign relations, and public order.

“While the Government upholds media freedom and respects its rights under the Constitution, the content telecast by TV channels must adhere to the provisions of the CTN Act, 1995, including sub section (2) of Section 20,” the advisory added.

In light of these concerns, television channels were advised not to provide a platform for individuals with backgrounds involving serious crimes, terrorism, or affiliation with proscribed organizations. This advice aligns with the reasonable restrictions outlined in Article 19(2) of the Constitution and Section 20(2) of the CTN Act.

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