Repeat offender? ASCI pulls up offensive Layer’r Shot deo ad

Over the years, the deo brands have started taking baby steps away from their sexist ad legacies, to talk about equality and respect. (Representational image: Samantha Sophia via Unsplash)

But the ad has also opened a can of worms. This isn’t the first questionable ad created by the brand.

Should brands dissociate with influencers who promote toxic content?

Influencer marketing, if done right, is highly rewarding in terms of consumer connect and brand building but it can cause severe damage to brands if it is not well planned and thought through in terms of influencer selection and promotions. (Representational Image via Unsplash)

The stakes are high for brands, not just because of the money being invested in influencer activities but also because social media backlash can be severely damaging for a brand’s reputation once things go wrong.