Delhi High Court refuses to restrain Parle from using the trade mark ‘For The Bold’ on its products

In response, Parle challenged the validity of PepsiCo’s trademark ‘For the Bold’ and sought for framing of the issue of invalidity of PepsiCo’s trade mark.

| September 21, 2023 , 6:52 pm
However, it has directed Parle to not use the tagline ‘For The Bold’ as the predominant part of its advertising campaign and not to alter the label on its “B Fizz” bottle without prior approval of the Court. (Image source: Drew Beamer via Unsplash)
However, it has directed Parle to not use the tagline ‘For The Bold’ as the predominant part of its advertising campaign and not to alter the label on its “B Fizz” bottle without prior approval of the Court. (Image source: Drew Beamer via Unsplash)

The Delhi High Court on 18 September 2023 refused to restrain Parle from using the trademark ‘For the Bold’ on its products in a suit filed by PepsiCo. PepsiCo had sought to restrain Parle from using PepsiCo’s registered trade mark ‘For the Bold’ on its products. In response, Parle challenged the validity of PepsiCo’s trademark ‘For the Bold’ and sought for framing of the issue of invalidity of PepsiCo’s trade mark.

The Delhi High Court while allowing the aforesaid plea of Parle raising the issue of invalidity, rejected the prayer of PepsiCo to restrain Parle from using the trademark ‘For the Bold’ on its products. However, it has directed Parle to not use the tagline ‘For The Bold’ as the predominant part of its advertising campaign and not to alter the label on its “B Fizz” bottle without prior approval of the Court.

Ankur Sangal, Pragya Mishra and Shashwat Rakshit from Khaitan & Co appeared for Parle.

Read More: Delhi High Court denies PepsiCo’s injunction request against Parle Agro

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