D’Décor, manufacturer of soft furnishing fabrics has signed Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh to bring the new brand ‘Sansaar’ to the forefront. The new brand is set to transform the landscape of home décor marking a significant step towards conscious living, minimalism, and sustainability. Sanjana Arora, business head of Sansaar by D’Décor, highlighted the brand’s innovative… Continue reading D’Décor signs Ranveer Singh as the brand ambassador for their new brand ‘Sansaar’…
Author: Kashmeera Sambamurthy
BharatPe elevates its CFO Nalin Negi to CEO
Previously, Nalin Negi led BharatPe as chief financial officer.
Marketing solutions agency Asymmetrique appoints Arunima Singh as chief operating officer
Arunima Singh will be responsible for overseeing the brand experience and communications business of Asymmetrique.
Leo Burnett India appoints Rajeev Rakshit as executive director
Previously, Rajeev Rakshit led Thinking Folks Brand Solutions as chief executive officer and managing partner.
NIC Ice Cream appoints Madison Media Ultra as Media AOR
The account will be handled by the agency’s Mumbai office and will manage all media aspects for the brand, which includes traditional, digital and outdoor.
Shivani Tiwari joins AJIO as head of growth and digital marketing
Previously, Shivani Tiwari led Flipkart as a growth marketer.
Gatorade unveils it’s new turf at Delhi’s Chandni Chowk to inspire active lifestyle
Delhi witnessed its first turf drop earlier in March in Lajpat Nagar, and the brand is aiming to drop another turf in the city soon.
L&K Saatchi & Saatchi elevates Snehasis Bose as group chief strategy officer; appoints Ekta Relan as chief strategy officer
Together, Snehasis Bose and Ekta Relan will collaborate to enhance the agency’s strategic initiatives.
BYJU’S shareholders approve the rights issue
Company receives independent scrutinizer report to proceed with formalities.
Conversational AI: The Next Big Thing on WhatsApp?
The ability to chat with an intelligent digital assistant right within your WhatsApp conversations – an assistant that can understand and respond to your messages with human-like coherence and contextual awareness. This is the tantalizing prospect that generative conversational AI promises to deliver, writes Pawas Jain.