Are startup founders altering the way brands are built?

Startups have emerged as one of the key spenders in the advertising expenditure (AdEx) second only to big players such as FMCG and auto. (Representational image via Unsplash)

Startup marketers have been often blamed for employing “earn and burn” strategy over long-term brand building when it comes to advertising.

Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover raises concerns among marketers

Elon Musk, who earlier this year had dropped the plan to acquire Twitter citing a high number of fake accounts on the platform, had said that advertisers would not be able reach the customers they intended if Twitter was flooded with bogus accounts. According to Musk’s statements earlier this year, 10% of the platform’s daily active users who see ads are inauthentic accounts (Representative Image via Unsplash)

General Motors suspended its paid advertising on Twitter after Musk’s takeover, saying that the platform will change now and that it wants to understand the direction Twitter will take.

Does a country need to rebrand to stay relevant in modern times?

The idea behind branding has far surpassed its traditional uses and is now being used for everything. Even cities, regions and countries. Places such as countries typically have the same characteristics as any regular product or service. However, rebranding a country is a much more difficult thing to do as there are many limitations and restrictions that hinder the path. The big goal behind rebranding a country is to create awareness and curiosity about that country for investors, potential tourists, migrated workers and residents.(Representative image via Unsplash)

Rebranding of countries happens for many reasons. Culture, politics and emotional sentiments stand as the major factors.

Simply Speaking: Brand Gestalt – going beyond positioning

In many ways, a brand is an illusion. It exists in our unconscious and in our feelings. But that - by itself - is powerful. These connections in the mind add real value to the products and to our lives. Wearing a fake Rolex will give us less pleasure than wearing the real thing. Take the Nike swoosh off a sneaker and it loses its magic. Why? Because value gets created in the mind. It must have emotional value to you. In this way, brands can add real value, beyond their physical product attributes. It is not water, it is Evian! (Representational image via Unsplash)

Gestalt refers to how the brain prefers to seek out the whole of something, rather than the individual parts. Brand Gestalt represents the whole of the brand – it’s the complete picture.

Instagram Reels and the small seller saga in India: How Meta’s platform is tripping up small sellers

Over the last few years, Facebook and Instagram pushed a number of features on their platforms to encourage small sellers. The tech giant even boasted of supporting 200 million businesses on Instagram, globally. (Representative image via Unsplash)

Small sellers are finding it hard to leverage Meta’s Instagram Reels and promote their products. Here’s why.

Equal Pay in Cricket: Indian men and women cricketers to get equal match fee, announces BCCI’s Jay Shah

BCCI Honorary Secretary Jay Shah tweeted, “I’m pleased to announce BCCI’s first step towards tackling discrimination. We are implementing pay equity policy for our contracted BCCI Women cricketers. The match fee for both Men and Women Cricketers will be the same as we move into a new era of gender equality in cricket.” (Image source: BCCI)

BCCI announced equal pay for men and women cricketers in a major step to end pay disparity.

Brain Matters: The one psychology principle every marketing strategist needs to know

Marketers forget the basics. And the most basic of those truths is that everything is what we think it is, and what we have propped up against it, to let our consumer compare it to. (Representational image via Unsplash)

Every business is fundamentally in the business of changing behaviour. Understanding behavioural truths of consumers is the first step to success.