BARC plans to charge Rs 15 lakh per annum from broadcasters for Respondent Level Data

Like the currency data, Respondent Level Data will also be released every Thursday by 2 PM to subscribers of this data.

  • Storyboard18,
| September 18, 2023 , 7:12 pm
In a letter that was released on February 13, the IBDF highlighted that it would make a detailed representation to the parliamentary committee which was headed by Prataprao Jadhav, member of parliament, Shiv Sena. (Representative Image: Erik Mclean via Unsplash)
In a letter that was released on February 13, the IBDF highlighted that it would make a detailed representation to the parliamentary committee which was headed by Prataprao Jadhav, member of parliament, Shiv Sena. (Representative Image: Erik Mclean via Unsplash)

BARC will be charging Rs 15 lakh per annum from the broadcasters for Respondent Level Data (RLD). In a letter written to broadcasters, BARC said RLD will be made available weekly to them, starting with the data of Week 40, on 12th October 2023. Like the currency data, RLD will also be released every Thursday by 2 PM to subscribers of this data.

The letter further stated, “The RLD provided will adequately be anonymised to maintain the integrity of panel homes, not include OOH data and have Individual level data but not Household level information.”

According to BARC, RLD is the final validated viewership and will have demographic details of each panellist which is aggregated in YUMI in order to produce the final published audience estimates. The data enables end-users to link a particular panellist, or group of panellists, to understand how their viewing may have evolved over time with respect to a channel, or their competition.

The individual level RLD will be released simultaneously in three component parts every week:

Demographic Files – which provide a unique anonymised ID for each panellist along with their demographics and the daily weights which they have been assigned.

Viewership File – which provides for each panellist their viewing for each day of the week, in particular, which channels were viewed and at what times of the day.

Playout File – which provides the playout data for each channel across all minutes of the week (as it currently appears in YUMI).

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