NBDA and NBF hit out at I.N.D.I.A bloc’s boycott of news anchors, saying it ‘imperils press freedom’

Broadcasters groups NBDA and NBF said that the opposition bloc’s decision is “draconian”, “goes against the ethos of democracy” and sets a dangerous precedent.

  • Storyboard18,
| September 15, 2023 , 8:26 am
NBDA said that the decision "imperils press freedom" and "goes against the ethos of democracy," adding that it sets a dangerous precedent. (Representative image via Unsplash)
NBDA said that the decision "imperils press freedom" and "goes against the ethos of democracy," adding that it sets a dangerous precedent. (Representative image via Unsplash)

The News Broadcasters & Digital Association (NBDA) on Thursday slammed the opposition I.N.D.I.A bloc for its “dangerous” decision to boycott shows of fourteen top television anchors across several media groups and platforms. NBDA said that the decision “imperils press freedom” and “goes against the ethos of democracy,” adding that it sets a dangerous precedent.

The association urged the opposition alliance to withdraw the decision, saying it was “anguished and concerned” by the decision taken by the I.N.D.I.A Media Committee. “The decision taken by the I.N.D.I.A. Media Committee sets a dangerous precedent. The ban on representatives of the opposition alliance from participating in TV news shows anchored by some of India’s top TV news personalities goes against the ethos of democracy.”

“It betokens intolerance and imperils press freedom. The opposition alliance claims to be the champion of pluralism and a free press, but its decision betrays callous disregard for democracy’s most fundamental tenet – the inalienable right to openly express ideas and opinions,” the statement said.

More from the statement hitting out at the decision of the I.N.D.I.A bloc: “The opposition alliance claims to be the champion of pluralism and a free press, but its decision betrays callous disregard for democracy’s most fundamental tenet – the inalienable right to openly express ideas and opinions. The boycott of certain journalists/anchors takes the nation back to the Emergency era, when the press was gagged, and independent opinions and voices were crushed. NBDA urges the opposition alliance to withdraw its decision of boycotting certain journalists and anchors as such a decision would amount to browbeating journalists and stifling freedom of speech and expression of the media.”

The News Broadcasters Federation (NBF) has also condemned the decision to boycott these journalists/anchors. A statement from the NBF read: “The blanket decision to ban representation of I.N.D.I.A political alliance’s members on the on-air shows of 14 specific news anchors across broadcast networks in the country is an unprecedented attempt to muzzle the voice of the Indian media through intimidation and singling-out tactics. The I.N.D.I.A. political alliance’s order is clearly an attempt to censor the media in this great country, which prides on its wealthy history of free speech, thought and expression.”

“To make an institutional political decision against handpicked journalists of established stature is a clear and outright onslaught against free speech through systemic targeting of the media. It is a blot on India’s democratic principles and a grave assault on Article 19 of the Indian Constitution for the pre-election political alliance I.N.D.I.A to be out rightly tinkering with the country’s rich history of being a free and vibrant press. The NBF wholly condemns this clear instance of political parties and alliances make targeting of journalists across news networks a pre-election agenda. We strongly urge the “I.N.D.I.A Media Committee” to revoke its draconian order with immediacy”

The NBF added that the statement by the “I.N.D.I.A Media Committee” has unilaterally sounded the ushering of an Emergency-like mind-set once again.

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