When an actor turned down an audition for Layer’r Shot’s problematic ads

Earlier this month, the Layer'r Shot ads were taken off air. An actor who was approached to do the ads is said to have pointed out the glaring sexisms even before the commercials were made.(Image: Ajeet mestry unsplash)

Abbas Mirza, senior creative director of Kinnect, a digital marketing agency, took to LinkedIn in a long post on how his actor friend, Saurabh Verma, refused to be a part of the deodorant brand’s commercials. He also went on to add how Verma had requested a change in the script.

Layer’r Shot debacle: Industry bodies should push for S&P compliance, in letter and spirit

Lapses of reason can happen even with the soundest systems and highest standards of rectitude. However, if, and when, they do happen, an opportunity to re-examine the standards and practices or S&P process presents itself. (Representational Image via Unsplash)

A S&P may provide a well-tested and reliable mechanism for keeping broadcast content in check, which is critical as brands are creating content at a furious pace.