Weekly Shorts: How YouTube and its influencers stay relevant and at the top of their game

In 2021, influencers generated 20M posts, which increased by 2.21 percent to 22M in 2022, the greatest growth in the SEA area. It shows that with the rising popularity of short and long-form videos, companies and content producers view YouTube as a platform for sponsored partnerships and building multiple touchpoints with users. (Representative Image: Rachit Tank via Unsplash)

What’s buzzing in influencer marketing and the creator ecosystem? What’s the next big thing coming down the line? Catch the big trends and hot topics in our weekly shorts.

Weekly Shorts: How Indian micro and nano-influencers shined in 2022

Various metrics suggest that influencer marketing potential for raising brand awareness and producing an ROI is still untapped. Even though the various influencer categories are developing at a strong engagement rate, the number of influencer posts have mostly stayed the same in 2021 and 2022. (Image source: @meh_chali, @akshxtx_pagar, @yash_chokshi, @surbhirohra, @venurasuri)

What’s buzzing in influencer marketing and the creator ecosystem? What’s the next big thing coming down the line? Catch the big trends and hot topics in our weekly shorts.

Weekly Shorts: How brands are using hybrid models for influencer collaboration

A long-term influencer and affiliate hybrid campaign gives creators the opportunity to boost impressions, engagement and sales. Followers continue to engage with brands’ posts over a period of time and move through the customer journey with special or discounted affiliate codes. (Representative image via Unsplash)

What’s buzzing in influencer marketing and the creator ecosystem? What’s the next big thing coming down the line? Catch the big trends and hot topics in our weekly shorts.

Weekly Shorts: Three most interesting things in influencer marketing this week

While personal care has always been among the top ten violating categories, in the past two years, it has risen to the top three on account of high volumes of ads violating ASCI’s guidelines. The launch of influencer guidelines in May 2021 along with ASCI’s proactive monitoring using AI-based tools has added to the increased number of ads under scrutiny. (Representative image via Unsplash)

What’s buzzing in influencer marketing and the creator ecosystem? What’s the next big thing coming down the line? Catch the big trends and hot topics in our weekly shorts.