Meet Tista Sen, the woman behind the all-women advertising agency – Ladyfinger

"I genuinely believe that correcting the gender imbalance will only increase brand salience and increased business for the brand." - Tista Sen, COO and CEO, Ladyfinger

Tista Sen, COO and CEO, Ladyfinger discusses challenges, goals and learnings while setting up a female-focused agency in an interview with Delshad Irani.

4P to 3S: Federal Bank’s MVS Murthy on being a culture foodie, BFSI brands’ bad practices, and 3S marketing framework

MVS Murthy, CMO of Federal Bank mentions, "The new agencies have been able to pull off extracts like storytelling, form factor adoption, adding a technology spine for delivery, measurability etc. That’s a strength. My own view is that they need to grow and build the brand muscle, the legacy agencies need to strengthen the above core." (Image source: LinkedIn)

Federal Bank CMO MVS Murthy talks about building a non-intrusive and trusted financial brand and the changing dynamics of client-agency relationships.

GroupM India’s Dialogue Factory announces transition of leadership

Dalveer Singh, head of experiential marketing, Dialogue Factory - APAC will be stepping down, and Ajay Mehta, managing director of GroupM’s iTV and Kinetic will now take over Dialogue Factory’s rural and experiential offerings along with the out-of-home offerings i.e., Cinema and OOH. (From left to right: Ajay Mehta and Dalveer Singh)

As per Prasanth Kumar, South Asia CEO of GroupM, “In the last 14 years, Dalveer has set up Dialogue Factory, GroupM’s Healthcare unit and has led multiple award-winning projects within WPP. He has created unique experiential and rural marketing practices. Ajay brings with him a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success in the industry. He has been an integral part of GroupM India for nearly 15 years and has played a key role in driving the growth and success of our businesses.”

‘We were shocked’, Budweiser’s Todd Allen on last-minute FIFA ban on alcohol at Qatar World Cup stadium

Homestays, traditionally favored in leisure destinations, are currently enjoying strong interest across all cities hosting (World Cup) matches. (Representative Image: Fauzan Saari via Unsplash)

Todd Allen, Vice President of Global Marketing, Budweiser, in a first speaks to Storyboard18 exclusively on their response when they got to know alcohol sales were banned at stadiums just two days before 2022 FIFA World Cup. What followed was the now famous ‘Awkward’ tweet. He shares more details on the impact of this on their relationship with FIFA as well.

Bookstrapping: Fit at any age: A practitioner’s guide

There is a heartening endorsement for the reading habit and its contribution to the body-mind balance, which cannot be emphasised enough. Any impairment in mental health will have an adverse impact on physical health. (Image source: Amazon)

The book highlights on the races humans and animals can participate or be a part of, advocacy for vegetarianism, how good health is developed, and many more.

#ShareTheSpotlight: “We fail every time an employee is unhappy or unmotivated,” says Lulu Raghavan, Landor & Fitch

Lulu Raghavan (left) shares the spotlight with Kyoko Matsushita, CEO, WPP Japan(top right) and Rose Herce, President, WPP Australia and New Zealand (bottom right).

Lulu Raghavan, MD of Landor & Fitch India, shares her experiences as a leader of a creative consultancy and shares the spotlight with two inspirational women – Kyoko Matsushita and Rose Herceg.