Amazon launches new Alexa feature to celebrate Indian women achievers

Ahead of International Women's Day, Amazon has announced a new Alexa feature to celebrate excellence, contribution, and notable achievements of Indian women from all fields.

Users will be able to find their daily dose of motivation by learning about the inspiring stories and path breaking journeys of women including Priya Punia, Tania Sachdev, Santhosh Yadav, K Prithika Yashini, and Muthayya Vanitha, to name a few.

23 percent salaried women perceive gender pay gap; 16 percent report gender bias at work

Only 32 percent dine out or order food more than once a week, while just 24 percent of women spend more than four hours daily on non-office screen time. (Image via Unsplash)

While salary and career advancement ranked as the topmost factors when selecting a job for 69 percent of salaried women, 42 percent of self-employed women prioritised independence and flexible working hours.

Britannia’s Marie Gold ad seeks to celebrate Women’s Day everyday

There is a lot of clutter this time round, especially on March 8. The idea of talking about Women’s Day a day later is unique and stands out. It conveys that while the celebrations have ended, the emotions and essence should continue. Even though the ad is about Women’s Day, it is expected to be watched by men and women. The simple and humble storyline is expected to generate a very positive response.

In an exclusive conversation with Storyboard18, Amit Doshi, chief marketing officer of Britannia, talks about the latest Women’s Day ad campaign and a startup contest that empowers women entrepreneurs.

Women’s Day: Here’s what happened when we asked people to Share The Spotlight (Part Two)

This is just the beginning of a long journey to spotlight individuals who are empowering others and bringing change and growth for all. (Representational image by Knight Duong via Unsplash)

Industry professionals share the spotlight with other visionary leaders and talented women marketers who are unleashing their potential to further their careers, empower people and grow businesses and brands.

Women’s Day: Here’s what happened when we asked people to Share The Spotlight (Part One)

This is just the beginning of a long journey to spotlight individuals who are empowering others and bringing change and growth for all. (Representative image by Miguel Salgado via Unsplash)

Industry professionals share the spotlight with other visionary leaders and talented women marketers who are unleashing their potential to further their careers, empower people and grow businesses and brands.

BYJU’s Divya Gokulnath on making genderless leadership a global agenda for an inclusive future

Despite modest gains in representation over the last decade, women are still dramatically underrepresented in corporate setups, especially in senior leadership. While a recent McKinsey & Company study says that more businesses are prioritizing gender diversity, corporate culture and policies don't always reflect that - and it affects employee job satisfaction and the time they spend at the company.

A simple web search for the definition of leadership returns over 130 million results. But what stands out among all these millions of theories is the gradual shift in emphasis from “who” the leader is to “what” the leader does. While some may posit that a leader’s success is determined by a combination of values… Continue reading BYJU’s Divya Gokulnath on making genderless leadership a global agenda for an inclusive future