Lodestar UM’s CEO wants to bring the romance back into a resurgent ad world

"In the unfolding narrative of 2024, sustainability is positioned to take a prominent role. Consumer environmental consciousness propels a preference for brands committed to sustainability, carbon emission reduction, and ethical trade practices. Marketers are tasked with seamlessly weaving eco-friendly messaging into campaigns, showcasing a commitment to environmental responsibility," says Aditi Mishra, CEO, Lodestar UM.

Aditi Mishra, CEO, Lodestar UM, wants to go beyond mere statistics on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to add richness and depth to the advertising industry.

The Big Wedding Binge Effect | Bottomline

The November-December wedding season alone is estimated to see nearly 40 lakh weddings with an outlay of nearly Rs 5 lakh crore(Representational image by Amish Thakkar via Unsplash)

The bumper wedding season this year promises to rub-off positively on a host of sectors. Here’s a look at what it spells.

Bookstrapping: Wellness by Nathan Hill

Relatability is the thing about this book. For instance, here’s a line that applies to all office and family dynamics, “All social groups- no matter how egalitarian they seem on the surface-had one person who was at any given moment, on some deep and perhaps unconscious level, in charge.” (Image source: Amazon)

In Wellness by author Nathan Hill, ‘Wellness’ is the name of an organisation; a watchdog, that tests claims made by companies that their products actually work, as against a probable placebo effect.

Jewellery consumption growth revised to 10-12 percent YoY in FY2024: ICRA

After remaining volatile between December 2022 and April 2023, gold prices were relatively stable in H1 FY2024, although up 14 percent compared with the average prices in H1 FY2023. The elevated price levels supported revenue expansion of most jewellery retailers in the face of muted volume growth. (Representative Image: FIGIST CO via Unsplash)

ICRA projects some moderation in FY2024 in the operating margins of organised players owing to the front-loaded operating costs for planned store additions and increased advertising expenditure in the face of rising competition.