Storyboard18’s Shibani Gharat talks to Hardeep Singh Brar, VP & head of marketing & sales, Kia India, ahead of the festive season to understand the brand’s marketing strategies and more.
Tag: EV
EVolve 2022: EV brands are telling women—hop on!
Companies selling electric vehicles are speaking to women with a nuanced approach to understand their demands, and designing marketing campaigns that are inclusive. But is that enough?
EVolve 2022: ‘EV campaigns are more avant garde,’ says Mercedes-Benz’s Santosh Iyer
Iyer talks about cracking the EV market, understanding the customers and addressing larger industry issues like the EV fires.
Pitch, Please: BMW India puts its media and creative account up for review
The German luxury car maker has called for a pitch and is reviewing its agency requirements.
EVolve 2022: Decoding the Indian EV consumer
When it comes to Indian consumers, utility trumps novelty. However, it’s not all number crunching and utilitarian logic, as far as the Indian EV buyer is concerned.
Meeting Amin Lakhani and Amit Jain in Volvoverse
Mindshare India recently conceptualised and enabled the first-ever EV launch in the metaverse for Volvo Cars in a space called Volvoverse.