Media Mavens: Work-life balance is passé, what one does today is work-life integration, says Carat India’s Anita Kotwani

Kotwani says, "I do see a lot of my female peers leading other operating companies, and I personally feel very proud that the media industry has been able to drive this change. It’s the belief of the leaders at those operating companies where they have rewarded meritocracy and have chosen leaders that are able to drive the organization’s goal."

Anita Kotwani, CEO of Carat India, talks about the big trends of 2023, leadership mantras, work culture and more.

Media Mavens: The industry needs to start addressing the pay gap, says Monaz Todywalla of PHD India

"Media agencies have been adept at offering women opportunities based on their meritocracy and intelligence. As an ecosystem, it levels the playing field for individuals regardless of their gender," says Monaz Todywalla

Todywalla talks about the changing role of leadership, the millennial workforce, the gender pay gap, and the trends to look out for.

Media Mavens: ​Embracing advertising in a privacy-first world will become critical, says OMD India’s Anisha Iyer

Media agencies have predominantly held a niche status in the advertising world and have always placed a greater emphasis on the true value of meritocracy in hiring and honing individuals who bring their spark of brilliance to the table. Over time, playing to these strengths has seen some of the best minds emerge in the ecosystem.

Anisha Iyer, CEO of OMD India on changing ways of doing business at media agencies are more than just talent agents.

Media Mavens: ‘No season for advertising, have to be ready all-year,’ says Zenith’s Jai Lala

“If you are living in a cocoon that you are a TV planner or a digital planner, you must come out of it. Everything is integrated. The planners who are on top of it are the best planners,” says Jai Lala.

Jai Lala, Chief Executive Officer, Zenith on changing trends in the media buying landscape and how the next two years is a period of stabilization for the industry

Media Mavens: The return of ratings has been a big relief, says Madison Media’s Amol Dighe

Amol Dighe, CEO, Investments & Business Development, Madison Media, says, planning and buying is becoming media neutral, which is the right direction.

Amol Dighe, CEO, Investments & Business Development, Madison Media on ad rates, the return of ratings and medium neutral strategies.

Media Mavens: Conversations have become easier with BARC ratings’ return, says Niti Kumar, Starcom

Overall, I think everyone is much happier. Conversations have become easier because one knows now where the genre stands. It has become much easier for a planner or an advertiser to make choices and select what works for them, says Kumar.

Niti Kumar, COO, Starcom India, on the return of ratings and how it has made decision-making simpler for media buyers and advertisers.